Techinline Remote Desktop techinline, remote support, remote desktop, remote assistance, online support, remote control, desktop sharing, remote access

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Techinline Remote Desktop Next generation remote desktop access service that runs on a web browser.
Type: Shareware
Price $ 20 /
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File size: 280 Kb
Date: 04/20/2007
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: Win98, WinME, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, Windows Vista Ultimate
System requirements: MS Windows 98 or higher, Web browser
Language: English

Techinline Remote Desktop 1.1
[Homepage] - by: Techinline Limited - Download links for Techinline Remote Desktop

Next generation remote desktop access service that runs on a web browser.
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Techinline is a next generation service, which makes remote support easier and much more affordable than ever before. It lets you remotely view, diagnose and resolve problems for your customers' problems around the world.
Give your technical support team the power to see what's happening on remote customers' desktops and then provide immediate help. Customers can request support directly from your web site, or you can instantly invite a customer already on the phone into a remote support session.
Your support sessions will take place with the reliability, security, and availability you expect and deserve. All communications are totally secure and private. The strong 128-bit encryption makes it nearly impossible to break in to session data.

Recent changes in this Minor Update:
Interface usability was enhanced; Minor issues were fixed.


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 Download good software, freeware and shareware: MS Windows, Seven, Vista, Linux, Java, Pocket PC, Palm, OSX, Cell phone, buy Quality professional applications, solid commercial programsNext generation remote desktop access service that runs on a web browser. techinline, remote support, remote desktop, remote assistance, online support, remote control, desktop sharing, remote access

techinline, remote support, remote desktop, remote assistance, online support, remote control, desktop sharing, remote access The service lets you instantly access and control a remote computer over the internet, across any firewalls and proxies, using any browser. With Techinline you can view, diagnose and solve your customers' problem anywhere around the world.