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This program allows Windows users to have access to the context menu they see when they use the righ 1-abc.net Right Click Configurator
Program type: Shareware
Price $ 14.99 / 9.99
Purchase with discount 1-abc.net Right Click Configurator best price

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File size: 393 Kb
Date: 09/09/2013
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: WinXP, WinVista, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, WinOther, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows 8
Requirements: -
Language: English, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish

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1-abc.net Right Click Configurator 6.00
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Decide what the Windows Explorer popup menu does!
Click to enlarge

When you use Windows Explorer for opening, deleting, moving or copying files (e.g. by executing it through the "My Computer" icon on your desktop) a popup menu is opened by clicking the right mouse button on any entry that allows you to get access to many different programs and features. If your last Windows installation was a long time ago and you installed and un-installed several products on it since then, you probably recognized that sometimes you have much more right click entries and features as you really wish and need. In the worst case, this right click menu does not work anymore, because there are still software tools and utilities that keep these entries alive even if the program was removed from your system long ago. Configuring these entries can now be done easily with 1-abc.net Right Click Configurator! From a very easy-to-use interface you can see all these connections to Windows features and external programs. De-activating such an entry is just one click, and activating it again is only one click as well. You can also modify or remove it completely, which should be done with highest caution of course. But that is not all: Add your personal right click entries by entering a name for it and selecting the path to an executable file you want to start from it, add any customized command line that Windows would also understand in the "Start"-"Run" dialog or take one of the default features that are already available on your system but can normally not be started from the right click menu. With 1-abc.net Right Click Configurator the Windows Explorer popup menu will not be a mystical secret for you anymore! Features: * Configure the right click behaviour for files, drives, music files, image files, video files or even files of any type * Add customized entries of any kind to the right click menu * Activate already existing features on your Windows system like copying or moving a file or folder to another place * Add hidden Windows default features

Recent changes in this Major Update:
Full screen view for better overview, editable exceptions list to avoid any unwanted right click entry changes, optimized interface and much more!


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 Download good software, freeware and shareware: MS Windows, Seven, Vista, Linux, Java, Pocket PC, Palm, OSX, Cell phone, buy Quality professional applications, solid commercial programsDecide what the Windows Explorer popup menu does! right,click,configuration,configure,edit,add,remove,activate,de-activate,windows,explorer,menu,popup,context,files,folders,drives,select,paint,notepad,customized,entry,entries,access,fast,quick,easy,use,interface,tune,tuning,new,feature,function

right,click,configuration,configure,edit,add,remove,activate,de-activate,windows,explorer,menu,popup,context,files,folders,drives,select,paint,notepad,customized,entry,entries,access,fast,quick,easy,use,interface,tune,tuning,new,feature,function This program allows Windows users to have access to the context menu they see when they use the right mouse button in Windows Explorer. From a very easy-to-use interface they get all these connections to Windows features and external programs.

Nice program no torrent crack warez serial number 1-abc.net Right Click Configurator to do make create ows users to have access to the context menu they see when they use the right mouse button in Window...Decide what the Windows Explorer popup menu does!