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App Program Watermark Plus for Mac download
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(BELOW!) FREE DOWNLOAD LINKS FOR:  Watermark Plus for Mac 1.5.8
Watermark Plus is an easy and intuitive bulk photo converter that lets you add text/image watermarks, resize and rename a bunch of photos at a time. It's the most effective way to protect photo copyright from unauthorized using. It lets you add text, image, script, symbol or other info stamps to multiple photos, and it will auto-adjust your watermark for each photo to best fit its size.

(description, more information, click here - Watermark photos in 1 minute, free download this easy batch watermark app.)

File size: 4767 Kb

WARNING: we suggest to scan the files with an antivirus before installing them - we do our best to screen each file reviewed on GetSoftware, but we don't re-scan them each day, and so, better safe than sorry!
The download link was perfectly working at the time of our review and the related inclusion in this archive, and so when we did our last test; the download is not on our servers, it is provided by the software house and sometimes can be -temporarily- offline or so.
Please kindly use the contact form to report difficulties, strange behaviors or persistent problems, and quote the program name or the number 8855 .

Here the purchase link:
Click here to Buy Now!

Watermark Plus is an easy and intuitive bulk photo converter that lets you add text/image watermarks, resize and rename a bunch of photos at a time. It's the most effective way to protect photo copyright from unauthorized using.

(Watermark photos in 1 minute, free download this easy batch watermark app.)Watermark Plus is an easy and intuitive bulk photo converter that lets you add text/image watermarks, resize and rename a bunch of photos at a time. It

Download page for the app Watermark Plus for Mac - Watermark Plus is an easy and intuitive bulk photo converter that lets you add text/image watermarks, resize and rename a bunch of photos at a time. It's the most effective way to protect photo copyright from unauthorized using. It lets you add text, image, script, symbol or other info stamps to multiple photos, and it will auto-adjust your watermark for each photo to best fit its size. You are free to choose any one of the 17 built-in profiles as watermark or save your own commonly used watermark for repeated use. What's even better is that every step of the process can be previewed in real time with high speed.
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